Monday, May 9, 2011

mother's day


hope you had a delightful mother's day! i am very grateful to my mom and love her very much. with my recent miscarriage her presence and positive energy has brought me so much peace. she has helped me to see and realize God's warm embrace. i'm so happy we were able to celebrate mother's day a week early in newport.

with all our visiting family gone this weekend it was just the core 4. we had a last minute get together on friday with the neighbors. saturday was all about getting our cleaning groove on. there is something very therapeutic about doing 7 loads of laundry, vacuuming up dust bunnies, and scrubbing surfaces with method and mrs. meyers cleaning products and knowing they aren't killing brain cells. on sunday we took a relaxed stroll in newport and i had a realization that bear claws with almonds are my new favorite sweet treat and ice tea with sliced lemon is one of life's little pleasures. josh said we can go anywhere for dinner so i chose the beach. we got carry-out seafood and then took it to 2nd beach. the sound of the waves, seeing the horizon, and being with josh, rory + karoline made for a fabulous mother's day.

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