Tuesday, February 12, 2013

blizzard and bonding

it's a funny thing. you brace yourself for the worst on a friday around noon. a new england blizzard named nemo. high winds. lots of snow and ice. and indeed electricty is taken away. but, some good things come to. like no distractions. internet i'm talking to you. no dishes to wash because there is no hot water. just a family of four cuddling on the couch to stay warm. bundled together in love. i could do this no electricity thing more often. 

as a side note- the girls tried canned sardines and actually liked them. what?!? we had cashew butter on crackers with honey for dinner on saturday night. our no electricity meal. and then we pulled out the sardines to see if they would go for it. and they did. i was shocked. kids are funny. they are so picky about some things and then they pull a move like this and they surprise you. 

p.s. here's the yogurt banana muffin recipe we used on friday before we lost power. 

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